TSWIM Call for Papers 2013 (Please download the documents)
Content :
The First Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Management (TSWIM 2013) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on July
15-17, 2013. It will be organized and hosted by Center For Service Innovation and MIS Department, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University. TSWIM promotes research collaboration between Information Systems (IS) scholars and
PhD students in Taiwan and other countries. The main purpose of TSWIM is to provide a forum for discussion and interaction among Taiwanese and International scholars with research interests in the cutting edge issues of information systems and management on individuals, businesses, organizations, and societies.
We welcome submissions of original research papers addressing issues concerning the theory, design, development, evaluation, and application of information technologies and management. High-quality papers will be invited to journals for
fast-track publication. Since it is a research workshop, TSWIM also actively solicits innovative and thought-provoking papers describing novel research ideas that may be at a relatively early stage of development (research-in-progress
submissions) to improve its future publication possibility. We encourage IS PhD students to submit their thesis-in-progress work to TSWIM. International IS scholars will be invited as discussants to provide comments for paper presentations. This workshop is sponsored by the Chinese Speaking Chapter and Taiwanese Chapter of AIS.